11/20/2007 05:00:00 AM

Unactivated iPhone Internet access trick

Unlocking 1.1.2 otb internet
So I bought an iPhone this weekend. The sucky thing is that it's running the 1.1.2 software update and has the same bootloader as the UK phone that is giving the hackers some trouble. So for now I cannot jailbreak it or unlock the SIM. Booo!

Nevertheless I have found a loophole that allows me to use the internet through the emergency call service. I'm using the trick right now to post this. How do you do it? Simple.

1) Perform the *#307# trick.
2) create a contact with the url of prefs://11 to connect you with wifi.
3) Create a new contact and put google as the URL.
4) Save.
5) Then back in contacts select the new URL
6) Voilà! Have fun surfing checking your facebook, email, whatever.

One problem though, if you touch the green portion at the top you'll end the "call" and have to re-trick the phone back into contacts.

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