Kibitz Room
Connected to the famous Canters Deli, The Kibitz Room exists in a narrow corridor with round leather boothes flanking the left-hand side. It has all the makings of a seedy rock bar so I love it. The drinks are stiff and cheap - which is a rarity in a place where I typically can't find a beer for under five dollars. Improving upon this already satisfectalent combination, it's right down the block from my apartment. If I had to, I could walk there and stumble home, blacked-out, without any difficulties.
Upon entrance to the bar C-squared, myself and our new friend Cat, were greeted with wailing feedback and pounding tom-toms. Squashed into the front of the already crowded room, the stage feels and looks like an after thought. This set-up causes your senses to snap into immediate shock, which blanks your mind as you find a seat or order a drink from the bar. After you've recovered from rock and roll shell shock the freakish collection of patrons sends your mind whirling once again as you attempt to decipher the crowd the bar usually caters to. Don't try though, as you'll soon realize that every walk of life finds solace in Kibitz.
For the most part though, they are a motley crew of skid row riff-raff. From the haggard old drunk who chases sips of cheap whiskey with gulps of creamed-coffee - his hands, wrists and neck laden with jewelry. To the raven-haired hipsters posturing while rocking out and slamming domestics down by the glass. No strangers to the night, the crowd's faces hold a palette of years painted by booze, tobacco, drug use and hard living.
Into this biosphere of the Los Angeles night-life we step, three fledglings to the herd. Cat's roommate is in a band that's set to play the last act. They're called "Jade Banger", and they're an all girl band. We'd only jut met Cat on halloween, but she's from Bend, Oregon so our Northwest personalities click. Cat's down in LA to be an actress- a novel concept.
The environment makes small talk impossible, so I make do with a few witty comments and knowing looks interjected here and there. Once, when I go to the bathroom I pass by a tall blonde with her hair done up in a faux '80s swoop. She's cute, but I notice a dribble of blood coagulating in her left nostril. Halloween being only two nights ago I assume that it's stage makeup- but this is Los Angeles- and she was very excited.